Virtual CFO service

Who is the CFO?

The person responsible for the financial management of the company, who advises the company director to make informed decisions.

The acronym stands for Chief Financial Officer. The CFO is responsible for the company’s economic strategy and its compliance with it. In less serious terms, he or she is responsible for ensuring that the financial targets set are met on time. His or her role goes beyond that of an accountant, providing expertise to support the manager in making the right financial decisions.

top view of businesswoman holding wooden cubes with cfo letters
Accounting Slovakia

What sub-tasks can the CFO take over from you?

Strategic planning

Designing and managing the financial strategy of the business


Defining the company's financial plans and the sub-objectives associated with them


Identifying the measures needed to achieve the objectives, planning short and medium-term costs and returns

Cash-flow analysis

Analysis of the current financial situation of the company and its resistance to crisis


Monitoring the profitability of products/services


Reviewing costs and processes, increasing their efficiency

Company evaluation

Determining the fair market value of the company, preparing to raise funds

Okay, but what does the decision support system mean?

It would certainly be of value to you if someone told you that you were going to fall on your stomach. Preferably before that happens. Based on your business’s key figures, every single pitfall is predictable. So is when you’ll miss opportunities (i.e., what money you won’t make when you could). Our service aims to minimise the number of belly flops and maximise the money you make. Of course, the control remains in your hands all the time, we only make suggestions.

You will be in control of your company’s financial situation!

Economic decision-making is not space technology!

Behave like the big guys before you become really big!

Virtual CFO service

How do we work together?


We need to get to know each other, define the objectives and framework for joint work, and define tasks.


This means assessing the company's current financial situation, defining the objectives and the strategies to achieve them. Collect and analyse data, optimise existing processes.


Keeping the vision of the company in sync with its current situation. Review pricing, define expansion and portfolio extension in the short and medium term. Establish a budget and optimise costs, review profitability.


Establish a system of reports comparing draft budgets with actual results. Monitoring the achievement of the financial targets set and, if necessary, adjusting the processes.

Accounting Slovakia

Two main reasons why our clients value this service

You don't have to face the big decisions alone!

Only a few people understand entrepreneurs´ problems, so they are often left alone to make big decisions. They find it hard to sleep, with the same thought running through their minds all day, and the solution often comes after a few wasted weeks and a few pounds lost. But not in the world of Accounting Slovakia! Without data, it's really difficult to make objective decisions about things that affect the life of your company. It is our responsibility to provide you with accurate numbers, data, analysis and statements. So that you can anticipate, step by step, the short and long-term effects of a decision.

What is this whole CFO programme? What are we going to ask?

This time is all about you and your business. We don't expect you to be an economic expert (which is why you hired us), just to be honest. This journey will help us to get to know your goals and, based on the numbers of your business, together we can build a path to achieve them. And you don't have to walk the road alone. You'll have a solid safety net with you every step of the way - the Accounting Slovakia team.

Virtual CFO service

All right, let's talk prices!


from 100 € / hour
  • Taxation
  • Tax optimisation
  • Legal advice


from 60 € / hour
  • Economic advice
  • Business advice
  • Accounting advice
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In all cases, the consultation will be with the Managing Director of Accounting Slovakia, Ing. Péter Márk Szabó.

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A konzultáció minden esetben az Accounting Slovakia ügyvezetőjével, Ing. Szabó Péter Márkkal fog történni.